Marcel Giró

Nota Legal
Los datos que el usuario facilite voluntariamente a través de esta página web serán objeto de tratamiento automatizado y se incorporarán a un fichero propiedad de Toni Ricart Giró. Usted autoriza a utilizar sus datos personales para funciones informativas, enviar informaciones relacionadas con sus actividades. En cumplimiento con lo dispuesto en la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos personales, el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016 (RGPD), la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre (LOPD) y el Real Decreto 1720/2007 de desarrollo de la LOPD, le informamos que los datos personales facilitados a través del formulario de inscripción al “newsletter” se incorporarán a un documento y serán tratados por Toni Ricart Giró (Responsable del Tratamiento), con el fin de enviarte nuestras newsletters con información relativa a la obra de Marcel Giró y, éstos, serán conservados mientras no nos manifieste lo contrario. No se comunicarán ni facilitarán los datos a terceros, excepto por obligación legal, ni se realizará ninguna transferencia internacional sin un consentimiento previo. Asimismo, se informa que puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de los datos y los de limitación y oposición a su tratamiento enviándonos un correo electrónico a, indicando el tipo de derecho que quiere ejercer. Asimismo en todos nuestros boletines encontrarás un enlace para actualizar o eliminar tus datos.
Información básica sobre Protección de Datos
Responsable: Antoni Ricart Giró
Finalidad: Envío de newsletter con información relacionada con la obra de Marcel Giró
Legitimación: Consentimiento expreso
Destinatarios: No se cederán los datos
Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad de datos y no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas.
El sistema de navegación y el software necesarios para el funcionamiento de este sitio web recoge, en el curso normal de su ejercicio, algunos datos personales cuya transmisión está implícita en el uso de los protocolos de comunicación de Internet. Se trata de información que no se obtiene para ser asociada a interesados identificados, pero que por su naturaleza podrían, mediante su elaboración o asociación con datos de terceros, permitir la identificación. Estos datos se utilizan con la exclusiva finalidad de obtener información estadística anónima sobre el uso del sitio web, así como también para controlar su correcto funcionamiento técnico y se cancelan inmediatamente después de su elaboración.
Utilizamos Mailchimp para la incorporación, tratamiento y gestión de datos
The provider , responsible for the website , available to users of this document which is intended to fulfill the obligations stipulated in Law 34/ 2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI -CE ) and inform all users of the website as to what the conditions of use of the website is . Any person accessing this site assumes the role of user commitment to the observance and enforcement of the provisions herein , as well as any other law that may apply . The provider reserves the right to change any information that may appear on the website without any forewarning or to inform users of such obligations , meaning enough with the publication on the website of the provider.
The provider disclaims any liability for the information posted on its website , as this information has been altered or introduced by a party external to it . The website provider (small pieces of information that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) may use cookies to perform certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and representation of the site. The cookies used on the website are , in any case, temporarily for the sole purpose of making more efficient onward transmission and disappear when the user session . Under no circumstances use cookies to collect personal information . From the customer 's web site may be redirected to third party content websites. Since the lender can not always control the content posted by third parties on their websites , it does not assume any responsibility for such content . In any case, the lender said that immediately proceed to remove any content that could violate national or international law , morality or public order , proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the redirect to the website, getting the attention of the competent authorities of the content in question. The provider is not responsible for the content and information stored , for example but not limited to, forums , chats, blogs generators , comments , social media or any other means that third parties independently publish content on the website provider . However , in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI -CE, the provider makes available to all users, authorities and security forces, and working actively in the removal or blocking if all content that might affect or violate the law national, or international rights, or morality and public order . If user considers that exists on the web site any content that could be susceptible to this classification, please immediately notify the site administrator .
The provider is deeply committed to compliance with Spanish legislation protecting personal data and ensures full compliance with the obligations under , and the implementation of security measures provided for in art . 9 of Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD ) and Regulation Development Data Protection Act. The provider makes available to users the Privacy Policy of the entity informing users on the following aspects :
Responsible for processing data , processed data file in which , purpose of use, mandatory or not provided , as well as the consequences of not providing stored .
The web site, including without limitation but not limited to programming , editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs , logos , text and / or graphics are property of the provider or if you have a license or authorization the authors . All website content are duly protected by the rules of intellectual property and registered in the public records. Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction , use, exploitation , distribution and marketing , in any case requires the prior written consent of the provider . Any previously authorized by the provider application will be considered a serious breach of the rights of intellectual property of the author . The designs , logos , text and / or graphics outside the provider, that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners themselves responsible for any dispute that may arise in respect thereof. In any case, the lender has the express prior authorization from them.
For the resolution of all disputes or issues with this web site or activities he developed , will apply Spanish law , which expressly submit to the parties, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to use the Courts of Barcelona.
Toni Ricart Giró. Sant Eusebi,2. 08198 Sant Cugat. España. Email:
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