Marcel Giró

Encreuaments. Dipòsits de la Col·lecció Nacional de Fotografia i d´Art Contemporani
Museu d´Art Jaume Morera, Lleida
14-12-2021 / 24-04.2022
14-12-2021 / 24-04.2022
The Jaume Morera Art Museum of Lleida has recently increased its collection thanks to the deposits of works of the Generalitat de Catalunya corresponding to the latest purchases of the National Plan of Photography and the Integral Plan of Visual Arts.
In this sense, and with the aim of raising awareness of this recently acquired common heritage, the Museum plans to present in its exhibition halls from December 14, 2021 to April 24, 2022 the exhibition "Crosses. Deposits from the National Collection of Photography and Contemporary Art."
This exhibition will bring together the work of photographers linked to the lands of Lleida Paula Artés, Santi Iglesias, Espe Pons, Jordi V. Pou, Toni Prim and Palmira Puig, corresponding to the deposits derived from the 2019, 2020 and 2021 acquisitions of the National Collection of Photography.