Marcel Giró

25 October 2024
EIVISSA 1953. New photobook by Marcel Giró and Palmira Puig
multistudioBOOKS has just released EIVISSA 1953. Fotografies de Palmira Puig i Marcel Giró.
L’any 1953, en un dels primers viatges a Catalunya que feien des del seu exili brasiler, Palmira Puig i Marcel Giró van aprofitar per visitar l’illa d’Eivissa.
Les fotografies que van fer en aquell viatge tenen un valor especial per diferents motius. Per una banda, ens mostren la puresa d’una Eivissa que, com tantes altres coses, ja no existeix. Per l’altra, desvelen la complicitat de la parella com a fotògrafs i com a companys de vida: una barreja envejable de passió, joie de vivre i un talent artístic extraordinari.
These photographs of Ibiza show moments of absolute epiphany for Palmira and Marcel, but through them it is also possible to understand the joy of living, the love for the landscape, for the country and, of course, the love they had for each other. Beyond their unquestionable artistic value, these images are also the perfect testimony of the admirable couple that were Palmira Puig and Marcel Giró.
17×23 cm.
80 pgs.
Includes a reproduction (14x19cm) of a photograph by Marcel Giró.
Prologue: J.R.Duran.
Edition: Toni Ricart.
Text in Catalan, Spanish and English.
with the collaboration of:
Available at multistudioBOOKS