Marcel Giró

Dubai Photo Exhibition 2016
Dubai, March 16-19 2016
Five modernist works by Marcel Giró: Auto-retrato em sombra, Folhas, Lineas e Predios, Esboço, Luz e força, participating in the exhibition Itaócas curated by Iatã Cannabrava held at the Dubai Photo Exhibition.
"Itaócas is the name that I borrow for this exhibition including two unique periods of photography that reveal a different country: the modern (1950-1970) and the contemporary (today).
Modernists presented here are beautiful examples of the Paulista School, which emerged within the Brazilian Fotoclubismo in Sao Paulo, during the period from 1950 to 1970. Their works are in various Brazilian collections and desired by major international collections and museums"
Iatã Cannabrava
Iatã Cannabrava